
@DrWendyWalsh - Wendy's Wisdom (08/04) Hour 2

5 ago 2024 · 31 min. 7 sec.
@DrWendyWalsh - Wendy's Wisdom (08/04) Hour 2
Descrizione offering her Wendy wisdom with her drive by makeshift relationship advice. PLUS we are talking to about her documentary, a thought provoking exploration of modern romance in...

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Dr. Wendy is offering her Wendy wisdom with her drive by makeshift relationship advice. PLUS we are talking to Lauren Southern about her documentary Empty Love, a thought provoking exploration of modern romance in the digital age, delving into the complexities of finding genuine connection amidst a sea of mistrust and societal pressures.
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Autore KFI AM 640 (KFI-AM)
Organizzazione iHeartRadio
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