DNH Ep2 – A Common Thread: Doctors Telling Unvaccinated Patients in Hospital: “You’re Going to Die”

17 ott 2022 · 1 h 18 min. 33 sec.
DNH Ep2 – A Common Thread: Doctors Telling Unvaccinated Patients in Hospital: “You’re Going to Die”

While that’s a shocking and catching title, we’ve found that the commonality with most victims at the hospital has been this theme.  Each story we hear as we dig around...

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While that’s a shocking and catching title, we’ve found that the commonality with most victims at the hospital has been this theme.  Each story we hear as we dig around this community of Covid hospital protocol victims would be shocking if it didn’t also happen to me when my Dad was suffering at their hands […]
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Autore MAGA Institute
Organizzazione MAGA Institute
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