
Diverse Talking Heads podcast - S3E1 - Border Protection? States vs Government

3 ott 2023 · 56 min. 5 sec.
Diverse Talking Heads podcast - S3E1 - Border Protection? States vs Government

“The Constitution is clear: Section IV Article 4 says the federal government “shall protect each of [the states] against Invasion,” When the federal government fails to fulfill this constitutional duty,...

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“The Constitution is clear: Section IV Article 4 says the federal government “shall protect each of [the states] against Invasion,”

When the federal government fails to fulfill this constitutional duty, Article 1 Section 10 expressly guarantees states the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend their citizenry from overwhelming and “imminent danger.” This resolution affirms that states don’t have to be passive victims of this Administration’s border security failures; rather, they should exercise their sovereign, constitutional right to defend themselves and their citizens.

But are immigrants really an imminent danger? Tonight the panelists will discuss this issue.
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Autore Calvin Gibbs
Organizzazione Calvin Gibbs
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