
Discovering the Lost Celtic Scroll: An Adventure Unfolds

22 lug 2024 · 17 min. 38 sec.
Discovering the Lost Celtic Scroll: An Adventure Unfolds

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 53 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Discovering the Lost Celtic Scroll: An Adventure Unfolds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Yn ngogledd Cymru, yng nghanol...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Discovering the Lost Celtic Scroll: An Adventure Unfolds
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Yn ngogledd Cymru, yng nghanol bryniau gwyrdd, roedd adfeilion hen gaer Geltaidd.
En: In north Wales, amidst the green hills, there were ruins of an old Celtic fort.

Cy: Roedd y cerrig wedi'u gorchuddio gan mwsogl ac roedd carvings hynafol yn dangos y cyfnod.
En: The stones were covered in moss, and ancient carvings revealed the era.

Cy: Roedd Gwyneth ac Eira yn sefyll ar ben bryn, edrych ar yr adfeilion gyda synnwyr o antur a dirgelwch.
En: Gwyneth and Eira stood atop a hill, looking at the ruins with a sense of adventure and mystery.

Cy: "Mae'r lle hwn yn wych," meddai Gwyneth, golwg o benderfyniad ar ei hwyneb.
En: "This place is amazing," said Gwyneth, with a look of determination on her face.

Cy: "Mae'n sicr yn arwyddocaol," cytunodd Eira, er yn amheus am y menter.
En: "It's certainly significant," agreed Eira, though skeptical about the venture.

Cy: Roedd yr haul haf yn tywynnu, sefyllfa berffaith i ymchwilio.
En: The summer sun was shining, a perfect setting for exploration.

Cy: Roedd Gwyneth yn gweithio'n ddiwyd ar ddamcaniaethau am droseddau a hanes Celtiadd.
En: Gwyneth was working diligently on theories about Celtic crimes and history.

Cy: Roedd yn teimlo'n angerddol dros ddod o hyd i arteffactau i brofi ei syniadau.
En: She felt passionate about finding artifacts to support her ideas.

Cy: "Fe ddois i o hyd i siambr newydd," dywedodd Gwyneth, "Chawn ni weld be mae hi'n cuddio.
En: "I’ve found a new chamber," Gwyneth said, "Let's see what it’s hiding."

Cy: "Roedd Eira yn betrus, "Ond mae'r lle'n ansefydlog, Gwyneth.
En: Eira was hesitant, "But the place is unstable, Gwyneth.

Cy: Gallai syrthio unrhyw eiliad.
En: It could collapse at any moment."

Cy: ""Ydy, ond mae'n werth yr ymgais.
En: "Yes, but it's worth the effort.

Cy: Efallai bod rhywbeth pwysig yno.
En: There might be something important there.

Cy: Dewch yn helpu fi i'w wneud yn fwy diogel," atebodd Gwyneth yn benderfynol.
En: Help me make it safer," Gwyneth replied determinedly.

Cy: Cymerodd Gwyneth a Eira gamau bach, gan ddefnyddio serrig ac offer gyda gofal.
En: Gwyneth and Eira took small steps, using stones and tools with care.

Cy: Roedd yn anodd, ond gyda gilydd, gwnaethant sefydlogi'r siambr ddigon i fynd i mewn.
En: It was difficult, but together, they stabilized the chamber enough to enter.

Cy: Roedd llwch a llaid ym mhobman, ond ni wnaeth hynny eu rhwystro.
En: There was dust and mud everywhere, but that didn't deter them.

Cy: Roedd golau eu goleuadau yn disgleirio ar wal bedair ymhell.
En: The light from their torches shone on a distant wall.

Cy: Atyniad ar y bwrdd roedd yn denu sylw Gwyneth.
En: An attraction on the table caught Gwyneth's attention.

Cy: Roedd enwog hen sgrôl wedi’i chwblhau ar ffurf waled oedd wedi'i scrinio dros y tabl cerrig.
En: A famous old scroll, completed in the form of a tablet, lay spread across the stone table.

Cy: Cafodd nhw atyniad mawr gyda hanes arbennig.
En: It held great allure with its remarkable history.

Cy: "Gweld hyn, Eira!
En: "Look at this, Eira!

Cy: Mae hwn yn hanfodol," meddai Gwyneth yn frwd.
En: This is crucial," said Gwyneth excitedly.

Cy: Ond wrth i'r ddwy ferch deimlo llawenydd eu darganfyddiad, dechreuodd y siambr symud.
En: But as the two girls felt the joy of their discovery, the chamber began to shift.

Cy: Roedd yn wynebi'n disgyn.
En: It was in danger of collapsing.

Cy: "Dali'r sgrôl!
En: "Grab the scroll!

Cy: Rhaid i ni adael!
En: We have to leave!"

Cy: " gwaeddodd Eira.
En: shouted Eira.

Cy: Cymerodd Gwyneth y sgrôl yn gyflym, ac fe adawodd y ddau eu hoffer, gan ffoi o'r siambr â'r goesenau'n tynn.
En: Gwyneth quickly seized the scroll, and the two left their tools, fleeing the chamber with tightened legs.

Cy: Yn lwcus, cyrhaeddant yr allanfa cyn i'r cerrig disgyn.
En: Luckily, they reached the exit before the stones fell.

Cy: Roedd eu calonnau'n curo'n gyflym.
En: Their hearts were beating rapidly.

Cy: "Rydym wedi gwneud hynny," meddai Gwyneth, dal y sgrôl yn ei dwylo'n ofalus.
En: "We did it," said Gwyneth, holding the scroll carefully in her hands.

Cy: Roedd yn gymaint o ryddhad i'w gweld yn ddiogel ac ystyried yr hyn roeddent newydd ei ddarganfod.
En: It was a great relief to see them safe and consider what they had just discovered.

Cy: "Fe allwn ni rannu hyn â'r byd nawr," ychwanegodd hi, ei llygaid yn disgleirio o flaen llaw.
En: "We can share this with the world now," she added, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Cy: "Roedd hi drwyddi, Gwyneth.
En: "It was close, Gwyneth.

Cy: Ond efallai bod fi'n gweld be ti'n golygu nawr," meddai Eira gyda pharch.
En: But maybe I see what you mean now," said Eira with respect.

Cy: Dysgodd hi werthfawrogi'r gorffennol mewn ffordd newydd.
En: She learned to appreciate the past in a new way.

Cy: Edrychent tuag at yr adfeilion, yn wybod bod yr antur hon wedi newid eu bywydau am byth.
En: They looked back at the ruins, knowing this adventure had changed their lives forever.

Cy: Roedd Gwyneth wedi dysgu rwan mai mae'n rhaid i unrhyw uchelgais gyd-fynd ag ofalus, a, trwy hynny, roedd Eira wedi dod o hyd i ddyfnder myfyrdod newydd ynddi ei hun.
En: Gwyneth had now learned that any ambition must align with caution, and through this, Eira had found a new depth of reflection within herself.

Cy: Doedd dim cayo'n eu gallu nawr.
En: Nothing could stop them now.

Cy: Ac felly, roedd y sgrôl heddiw'n creu chwedl newydd, ac yn dod â'r gorffennol a'r presennol ynghyd mewn storïau'r dyfodol.
En: Thus, the scroll of today created a new legend, bringing together the past and present in the stories of the future.

Vocabulary Words:
  • ruins: adfeilion
  • fort: caer
  • moss: mwsogl
  • carvings: carvings
  • determination: penderfyniad
  • significant: arwyddocaol
  • skeptical: amhus
  • venture: menter
  • exploration: ymchwilio
  • diligently: diwyd
  • theories: damcaniaethau
  • unstable: ansefydlog
  • collapse: syrthio
  • stabilized: sefydlogi
  • chamber: siambr
  • dust: llwch
  • mud: llaid
  • torch: goleuadau
  • scroll: sgrôl
  • tablet: waled
  • allure: atyniad
  • collapse: disgyn
  • seized: dali
  • tools: offer
  • fleeing: ffoi
  • safe: diogel
  • share: rannu
  • joy: lloewydd
  • respect: parch
  • depth: dyfnder
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