Did the Royals Just Finish the Worst Week in Club History?

24 set 2024 · 1 h 6 min. 58 sec.
Did the Royals Just Finish the Worst Week in Club History?

Could this have actually been the worst week ever for the Royals? Rany Jazayerli (Co-Founder Baseball Prospectus/@Jazayerli) and Soren Petro (Sports Radio 810-WHB, 810whb.com/@SorenPetro) break down just where this winless...

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Could this have actually been the worst week ever for the Royals?

Rany Jazayerli (Co-Founder Baseball Prospectus/@Jazayerli) and Soren Petro (Sports Radio 810-WHB, 810whb.com/@SorenPetro) break down just where this winless week belongs in Royals history. Plus...

- Playoff Optimism Meter.
- How much of the offensive problem is just no Vinnie?
- Measuring the reaming schedules for the contenders.
- How many wins will it take to make the playoffs?
- Are there any personnel moves left to make?
- Rany's "Pep Talk" for the final week!
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Autore Soren Petro
Organizzazione Soren Petro
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