
Deadpool & Wolverine & Comic Con 8-1-24

1 ago 2024 · 1 h 59 min. 54 sec.
Deadpool & Wolverine & Comic Con 8-1-24

Join Kim Adragna and Tom Greer on this week’s episode of The Grindhouse Radio. Brim is enjoying the California life as he signs at San Diego Comic Con and catches...

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Join Kim Adragna and Tom Greer on this week’s episode of The Grindhouse Radio. Brim is enjoying the California life as he signs at San Diego Comic Con and catches up with friends. Kim and Tom drop some MAJOR MARVEL SPOILERS for the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie. The crew chats about entertainment news, their opinions on topics and other cool stuff and things. Enjoy! New episodes released Thursdays 7pm EST/4pm PST wherever you listen to podcasts.

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