Dark Elevator Ride Sparks Romance
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Dark Elevator Ride Sparks Romance
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dark Elevator Ride Sparks Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/dark-elevator-ride-sparks-romance/ Story Transcript: Hr: Jednoga oblačnog dana u srcu Zagreba, Ivan je...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Jednoga oblačnog dana u srcu Zagreba, Ivan je šetao svojim najdražim ulicama grada.
En: On a cloudy day in the heart of Zagreb, Ivan was strolling along his favorite streets in the city.
Hr: Bio je to dan kada je sve mirisalo na jesen, a vjetar je nježno šaputao kroz granje starih stabala.
En: It was a day when everything smelled like autumn, and the wind gently whispered through the branches of old trees.
Hr: Ivan je nosio sako boje kestena i širokim osmijehom pozdravljao prolaznike.
En: Ivan was wearing a chestnut-colored jacket and greeted passersby with a broad smile.
Hr: Ali, taj dan imao je poseban zadatak.
En: But that day had a special mission.
Hr: Ivan se trebao naći s Marijom, djevojkom koju je tek nedavno upoznao i koja mu je brzo postala draga.
En: Ivan was supposed to meet with Marija, a girl he had recently met and quickly grown fond of.
Hr: Dogovorili su se na kavi u poznatom lokalnom kafiću koji se nalazio u visokoj poslovnoj zgradi u finom dijelu grada.
En: They had arranged to have coffee at a well-known local café located in a high-rise building in the upscale part of the city.
Hr: "Marija", pomislio je dok joj je ime plelo po usnama, "tako je lijepa i nasmijana.
En: "Marija," he thought with her name lingering on his lips, "she is so beautiful and cheerful."
Hr: "Stigavši u zgradu, kliknuo je na dugme dizala i čekao da stigne s gornjih katova.
En: Arriving at the building, he pressed the elevator button and waited for it to arrive from the upper floors.
Hr: Ivan je već mogao zamisliti njen osmijeh kada ga ugleda.
En: Ivan could already imagine her smile when she saw him.
Hr: Dok je dizalo polako stizalo, Ivan je u zrcalu provjerio svoju kosu i uredio kravatu.
En: As the elevator slowly arrived, Ivan checked his hair and adjusted his tie in the mirror.
Hr: Zvučni signal je označio da se vrata dizala otvaraju, a on je zakoračio unutra birajući kat gdje su se trebali naći.
En: The sound signaled the opening of the elevator doors, and he stepped inside, choosing the floor where they were supposed to meet.
Hr: Nije prošlo dugo, a osjetio je lagano podrhtavanje poda pod nogama.
En: It didn't take long before he felt a slight trembling beneath his feet.
Hr: Ubrzo nakon toga sva svjetla su utihnula i dizalo je stalo.
En: Shortly after that, all the lights went out, and the elevator stopped.
Hr: Zatečen, Ivan je osjetio da mu se srce počelo brže kucati.
En: Taken aback, Ivan felt his heart beginning to race.
Hr: U tom trenutku sa strane se čuo ženski glas.
En: At that moment, a female voice came from the side.
Hr: "Hej, je li sve u redu?
En: "Hey, is everything okay?"
Hr: " bio je to glas Marije, koja je već bila u dizalu a on je zbog misli o nadolazećem susretu nije ni primijetio.
En: It was Marija's voice, who was already in the elevator, but he had not even noticed because he was lost in thoughts about their upcoming meeting.
Hr: "Sve je u redu, izgleda da je nestalo struje," odgovori Ivan pokušavajući zadržati mir.
En: "Everything's fine, looks like the power is out," Ivan replied, trying to remain calm.
Hr: Iako je bio u mraku, Ivan je mogao osjetiti njen prisutnost, miris njenog parfema.
En: Even though they were in the dark, Ivan could feel her presence, the scent of her perfume.
Hr: Pričali su da ubiju vrijeme i pokušali ne misliti na zatvoreni prostor u kojem su bili zarobljeni.
En: They talked to pass the time and tried not to dwell on the confined space they were trapped in.
Hr: Prošlo je neko vrijeme, možda sat ili više, nije mogao biti siguran.
En: Some time passed, maybe an hour or more, he couldn't be sure.
Hr: Ali Ivan i Marija su već razmijenili mnogo priča i smijeha.
En: But Ivan and Marija had already exchanged many stories and laughs.
Hr: Nisu više primjećivali tamu koja ih je okruživala.
En: They no longer noticed the darkness surrounding them.
Hr: Onda, neočekivano, svijetlo je probilo tišinu dizala, a motor je ponovno proradio.
En: Then, unexpectedly, light broke the silence of the elevator, and the motor restarted.
Hr: Presretni što su napokon oslobođeni, izašli su van na svjež zrak.
En: Overjoyed to finally be free, they stepped out into the fresh air.
Hr: "Provela sam zapravo jako lijepo vrijeme," priznala je Marija s osmijehom kad su izišli iz zgrade.
En: "I actually had a really nice time," Marija admitted with a smile as they left the building.
Hr: "I ja sam", rekao je Ivan.
En: "Me too," said Ivan.
Hr: "Htio sam te impresionirati, ali izgleda da je dizalo to učinilo umjesto mene.
En: "I wanted to impress you, but it seems the elevator did that for me."
Hr: "Oboje su se nasmijali i otišli u najbliži park.
En: They both laughed and went to the nearest park.
Hr: Pojeo ih je smijeh dok su hodali šljunčanom stazom, a Ivan je znao da će ovo biti početak nečega prekrasnog.
En: Laughter filled them as they walked along a gravel path, and Ivan knew this was the beginning of something beautiful.
Hr: Dizalo i nestanak struje bili su neočekivani, ali njihov susret u mraku bio je ono što će pamtiti zauvijek.
En: The elevator and the power outage were unexpected, but their meeting in the dark was something they would remember forever.
Hr: Od toga dana, Ivan i Marija su postali nerazdvojni, a priča o dizalu bila je njihova slatka tajna koju su čuvali samo za sebe.
En: From that day on, Ivan and Marija became inseparable, and the elevator story became their sweet secret that they kept just for themselves.
Vocabulary Words:
- cloudy: oblačan
- strolling: šetajući
- streets: ulicama
- smelled: mirisalo
- autumn: jesen
- whispered: šaputao
- branches: granje
- old trees: starih stabala
- wearing: nosio
- chestnut-colored: boje kestena
- greeted: pozdravljao
- passersby: prolaznike
- favorite: najdražim
- mission: zadatak
- supposed: trebao
- recently: nedavno
- grown fond of: brzo postala draga
- arranged: dogovorili
- well-known: poznatom
- local: lokalnom
- café: kafiću
- high-rise: visokoj
- building: zgradi
- upscale: finom
- part: dijelu
- lingering: plelo
- press: kliknuo
- elevator: dizala
- waiting: čekao
- arrive: stigne
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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