
Creating A Sense of Belonging for Refugee and Immigrant Students

29 giu 2023 · 10 min. 43 sec.
Creating A Sense of Belonging for Refugee and Immigrant Students

Many refugee students and families face a unique set of challenges, including but not limited to, cultural differences, language barriers, a lack of resources, discrimination, feelings of displacement, and trauma....

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Many refugee students and families face a unique set of challenges, including but not limited to, cultural differences, language barriers, a lack of resources, discrimination, feelings of displacement, and trauma. Luma Mufleh is a refugee activist and founder of the nonprofit, Fugees Family. She opened two schools, Fugees Academy in Ohio and Georgia, dedicated to supporting refugee students and families. Luma is the author of Learning America: One Woman's Fight for Educational Justice for Refugee Children and her most recent memoir, From Here. In this episode of Get Schooled on Public Education, Luma discusses her experience as an immigrant, her advocacy journey, and how her charter school helps to resettle families to ensure students feel safe and grounded.

Key Takeaways:
  • Refugee and immigrant students have different needs—one size will not fit all.
  • Try placing yourself in the shoes of an immigrant or refugee student when making decisions/polices that impact them
  • Consider realistic timelines for student learning and growth based on their individual needs
Featured in the Episode

Luma Mufleh
Refugee Activist and Founder of Fugees Family


“It's pretty powerful when you know you've got a community that's got your back when you're struggling, when you're failing, and when you're succeeding.” - Luma Mufleh

"My focus is advocating and fighting for their best interests, disregarding the comfort of others."- Luma Mufleh

00:00 Introduction
01:01 A Journey of Schools, Soccer, and Education
03:10 Prioritizing Deserving Students Over Personal Interests
05:10 Immigrant Student's Success with Community Support
06:00 Empowering Students to Overcome Adversity
07:24 Embracing Activism and Overcoming Challenges
08:38 Breaking Barriers: Policies Affecting Refugee & Immigrant Students
09:56 Conclusion
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Autore Heartcast Media
Organizzazione Molly Ruland
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