Coral genomes to combat bleaching

1 ott 2024 · 15 min. 18 sec.
Coral genomes to combat bleaching

Corals are bleaching at unprecedented rates due to human-induced climate change. Researchers studying the DNA of corals and the algae they live in symbiosis with aim to better understand how...

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Corals are bleaching at unprecedented rates due to human-induced climate change. Researchers studying the DNA of corals and the algae they live in symbiosis with aim to better understand how to protect them.

Coral reefs are the rainforests of the ocean: biodiverse hotspots that are critically important for global ecosystems. However, sadly, warmer temperatures are now bleaching our planet’s corals, at an alarming rate, and placing these fragile ecosystems in grave danger.

Enter coral reef researchers. To help tackle this challenge (as well as boost research into the biology of aquatic species), researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, the University of Derby and other collaborators associated with the Aquatic Symbiosis Genomics (ASG) Project are sequencing corals and symbiotic algae (symbionts) to produce high-quality reference genomes. The ASG Project was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moor Foundation and the data generated is released openly and accessible to anyone via the European Nucleotide Archive.
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Autore Wellcome Sanger Institute
Organizzazione Wellcome Sanger Institute
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