Conversation, not compromise, is the key to success for dual-career couples

14 ott 2019 · 25 min. 44 sec.
Conversation, not compromise, is the key to success for dual-career couples

Jennifer Petriglieri, author of the new book Couples That Work: How to Thrive in Love and at Work, has interviewed more than 100 dual-career couples on their triumphs and tensions....

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Jennifer Petriglieri, author of the new book Couples That Work: How to Thrive in Love and at Work, has interviewed more than 100 dual-career couples on their triumphs and tensions. The key to long-term happiness, she says, is for partners to communicate about deeper issues, rather than getting hung up on practicalities. But what happens if couples discover they may not be on the same page?

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Autore INSEAD Knowledge
Organizzazione INSEAD Knowledge
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