Consider Job with Dennis Lines

20 set 2022 · 10 min. 24 sec.
Consider Job with Dennis Lines

Born in 1947 to a wartime nurse and school canteen cook and a tool setter in the south of Birmingham UK. Joined a fundamentalist Christian denomination called the Christadelphians in...

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Born in 1947 to a wartime nurse and school canteen cook and a tool setter in the south of Birmingham UK.

Joined a fundamentalist Christian denomination called the Christadelphians in 1963.

o Left education at the age of 15

o Tool maker in mechanical engineering, and worked in presstool industries till 1977

o Went to Teacher Training College at 30 and became a religious education, PE and science teacher from 1977 to 2011.

Midway through teaching, I obtained a degree in counselling and psychotherapy and became a full-time school

counsellor in a secondary school in Birmingham UK, where I began to write and give lectures and seminars for INSET

courses on applicable models in school counselling.

o wrote Brief Counselling in School: working with Young People 11-18 (2016) (3 rd Ed). SAGE Publications: London/New


I have fostered 8 teenagers from broken homes, run youth clubs, managed camps of young people with over 70 children

and teenagers, and once managed a children’s home.

After a fall downstairs in 1986, I broke my neck and am now tetraplegic.

Interests: Critical New Testament Theology (wrote: You Say That I Am: the Historical Jesus become the Messiah, and

Consider Paul: An Enquiry Concerning Suffering, Disbelief and Divine Justice
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Autore Dr. Angela Butts Chester
Organizzazione DR ANGELA CHESTER
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