Climbing Hope: A Christmas Journey to Tafelberg

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Climbing Hope: A Christmas Journey to Tafelberg
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Climbing Hope: A Christmas Journey to Tafelberg Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Elmarie sit rustig op haar bed...
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Story Transcript:
Af: Elmarie sit rustig op haar bed in die psigiatriese saal.
En: Elmarie sits quietly on her bed in the psychiatric ward.
Af: Die wit mure is leeg, maar haar gedagtes is vol drome en verlange.
En: The white walls are bare, but her thoughts are full of dreams and longing.
Af: Buite, in die somerhitte van Desember, is die stad lewendig.
En: Outside, in the summer heat of December, the city is alive.
Af: Elmarie staar by die venster uit, haar gedagtes by Tafelberg, 'n plek waar sy nog altyd van gedroom het om te besoek.
En: Elmarie gazes out the window, her thoughts on Tafelberg, a place she has always dreamed of visiting.
Af: Elmarie voel soms verlore in die groot saal.
En: Elmarie sometimes feels lost in the large ward.
Af: Sy is alleen al voel dit of sy omring is deur mense net soos sy.
En: She is alone, even though it feels like she is surrounded by people just like her.
Af: Alhoewel sy die ondersteuning van die verpleegsters en dokters waardeer, smag sy na die wêreld buite hierdie mure.
En: Although she appreciates the support of the nurses and doctors, she longs for the world outside these walls.
Af: Veral oor Kersfees, 'n tyd wanneer almal saam met familie is en die liggies helder skyn oor die stad.
En: Especially during Christmas, a time when everyone is with family and the lights shine brightly over the city.
Af: Eendag, vol moed, gaan sy na die hospitaal se verpleegster, Lize.
En: One day, full of courage, she approaches the hospital nurse, Lize.
Af: "Is daar dalk 'n kans dat ek Tafelberg kan besoek?" vra sy stilweg, haar oë vol hoop.
En: "Is there perhaps a chance that I can visit Tafelberg?" she asks softly, her eyes full of hope.
Af: Lize glimlag.
En: Lize smiles.
Af: "Ek sal met die terapeut daaroor praat, maar jy weet hoe moeilik so iets is."
En: "I will talk to the therapist about it, but you know how difficult such a thing is."
Af: Maar Elmarie hou vas aan haar droom.
En: But Elmarie clings to her dream.
Af: Daardie aand praat sy in 'n sessie met haar sielkundige, dr. Stemmet.
En: That evening she talks in a session with her psychologist, Dr. Stemmet.
Af: "Ek dink as ek net die berg kan sien," sê sy, "sal ek dalk beter verstaan dat my wêreld groter is as net dié plek."
En: "I think if I can just see the mountain," she says, "I might better understand that my world is bigger than just this place."
Af: Dr. Stemmet teken iets neer en beloof om te kyk wat hulle kan doen.
En: Dr. Stemmet notes something down and promises to see what they can do.
Af: Die dae gaan stadig verby en net toe Elmarie belangstelling begin verloor, bring Lize goeie nuus.
En: The days pass slowly, and just when Elmarie begins to lose interest, Lize brings good news.
Af: "Kersfees-middag gaan jy Tafelberg sien.
En: "Christmas afternoon you will see Tafelberg.
Af: Ons het toestemming gekry!" Elmarie kan dit skaars glo.
En: We got permission!" Elmarie can hardly believe it.
Af: Dit is asof 'n liggie diep binne haar aangesteek word.
En: It's as if a light has been lit deep inside her.
Af: Op die dag van die uitstappie styg Elmarie se opgewondenheid, maar dis gemeng met vrees.
En: On the day of the outing, Elmarie’s excitement rises, but it’s mixed with fear.
Af: Sy is bang sy sal teleurgesteld wees, of dat die berg nie aan haar gedagtes sal voldoen nie.
En: She is afraid she will be disappointed or that the mountain won’t live up to her thoughts.
Af: Maar wanneer die klein busjie die veldjie voor die kabelspoor tot stilstand bring, verdwyn haar twyfel.
En: But when the small bus comes to a stop on the field before the cableway, her doubts disappear.
Af: Terwyl hulle opklim in die kabelkar, voel Elmarie hoe haar hart vinniger klop.
En: As they ascend in the cable car, Elmarie feels her heart beat faster.
Af: Die uitsig oor Kaapstad is asemrowend, die oseaan lyk soos blou glas wat eindeloos is.
En: The view over Kaapstad is breathtaking; the ocean looks like blue glass that stretches endlessly.
Af: Toe hulle die bo-punt bereik, stap sy uit, die son warm op haar vel.
En: As they reach the top, she steps out, the sun warm on her skin.
Af: Sy staan stil en kyk oor die horison.
En: She stands still and looks over the horizon.
Af: Tafelberg is alles en meer as wat sy gedink het.
En: Tafelberg is everything and more than she had imagined.
Af: Sy voel die wind deur haar hare en vir 'n oomblik voel sy vry.
En: She feels the wind through her hair, and for a moment, she feels free.
Af: Vry van haar eie gedagtes, vry van haar vrese.
En: Free from her own thoughts, free from her fears.
Af: Sy draai na Lize en dr. Stemmet en sê: "Dankie.
En: She turns to Lize and Dr. Stemmet and says, "Thank you.
Af: Dit is die beste Kersgeskenk ooit."
En: This is the best Christmas gift ever."
Af: Elmarie weet dat sy nie magies genees is nie, maar daardie dag op Tafelberg bring 'n nuutgevonde hoop.
En: Elmarie knows that she isn't magically healed, but that day on Tafelberg brings a newfound hope.
Af: Sy praat met ander pasiënte oor haar ervaring en moedig hulle aan om hul eie drome te volg.
En: She talks to other patients about her experience and encourages them to follow their own dreams.
Af: Haar drome is nie meer net drome nie; hulle is moontlikhede.
En: Her dreams are no longer just dreams; they are possibilities.
Af: Aan die einde van die dag, terug in haar kamer, lê Elmarie met 'n glimlag.
En: At the end of the day, back in her room, Elmarie lies with a smile.
Af: Haar wêreld het verander.
En: Her world has changed.
Af: Sy het nie meer net die mure van die saal voor haar nie, maar 'n hoopvolle uitsig oor die lewe.
En: She no longer just sees the walls of the ward before her, but a hopeful outlook on life.
Af: Kersfees het vanjaar vir haar 'n nuwe betekenis gekry, 'n belofte van verandering en verbondenheid.
En: Christmas has gained a new meaning for her this year, a promise of change and connection.
Vocabulary Words:
- psychiatric: psigiatriese
- bare: leeg
- longing: verlange
- gazes: staar
- ward: saal
- appreciates: waardeer
- support: ondersteuning
- clings: hou vas
- courage: moed
- therapist: terapeut
- promises: beloof
- permission: toestemming
- lit: aangesteek
- doubts: twyfel
- ascend: opklim
- breathtaking: asemrowend
- possibilities: moontlikhede
- hopeful: hoopvolle
- outlook: uitsig
- connection: verbondenheid
- dreamed: gedroom
- disappointed: teleurgesteld
- experience: ervaring
- encourages: moedig aan
- magically: magies
- healed: genees
- exciting: opgewondenheid
- horizon: horison
- fears: vrese
- endlessly: eindeloos
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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