character little bit high & smart

15 nov 2024 · 32 min. 47 sec.
character little bit high & smart

Why when any one Where we go also life meaning passion auto matic strong lifeline is one the facts meaning is lots of wave meaning stamp step meaning one &...

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Why when any one
Where we go also life meaning passion auto matic strong lifeline is one
the facts meaning is lots of wave meaning stamp step meaning one & one is 11
all culture is meaning is well to know that is good
when you wake up when you make me what is your character mean wake up
oh human look the mirror
enjoy the light of habits
why the lights give the fever feeling

your first and last image character
the only no you know the way you know me
fever of the passion future
this mean you are the light of message one way the way you know the way you know mean

character little bit high and smart
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Autore Miss Rabia Javeed
Organizzazione Miss Rabia Javeed
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