
Burning Man 2023 Wrap up and looking forward to 2024

15 set 2023 · 1 min. 24 sec.
Burning Man 2023 Wrap up and looking forward to 2024

The 2023 Burning Man event was held in the Black Rock Desert from August 27 to September 4. It was a challenging year for the event, with heavy rain and...

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The 2023 Burning Man event was held in the Black Rock Desert from August 27 to September 4. It was a challenging year for the event, with heavy rain and mud causing significant disruptions. However, the event ultimately went ahead, and many participants reported having a positive experience.
The Burning Man organization has not yet announced any plans for next year's event. However, they have said that they will be working with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to develop a plan that addresses the challenges of climate change and extreme weather events.
Some possible changes that the Burning Man organization may consider for next year include:
Shifting the event to a different time of year to avoid the rainy season.
Building more permanent infrastructure on the playa to make it easier to manage extreme weather events.
Implementing stricter environmental rules to reduce the impact of the event on the surrounding environment.
It is important to note that these are just possibilities, and the Burning Man organization has not made any final decisions about next year's event.
In the meantime, the Burning Man community is already starting to plan for next year. There are a number of online forums and communities where people are discussing ideas for how to make the event more sustainable and resilient to climate change.
It is likely that the Burning Man organization will be taking input from the community as they develop their plans for next year's event.
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Autore QP-1
Organizzazione William Corbin
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