
Breast Implant Removal Breakdown

13 nov 2024 · 48 min. 34 sec.
Breast Implant Removal Breakdown

Dr. G & Bri cover: - What might be helping Nicole Kidman age so flawlessly? - Why so many women are taking out their breast implants - The debate around...

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Dr. G & Bri cover:
  • What might be helping Nicole Kidman age so flawlessly?
  • Why so many women are taking out their breast implants
  • The debate around breast implant illness and en bloc capsulectomy
  • Do breast implants actually increase your risk of breast cancer?
  • Could your implants be making you feel sick?
  • What recovery looks like after implant removal
  • How your body might change post-explant
  • Do you really need the whole capsule removed with your implants?
Trending stories:

Plastic surgeons reveal how Nicole Kidman maintains her radiant visage at 57 with variety of ‘face tweakments’

Secret Lives of Mormon Wives star Jessi Ngatikaura BLASTED for getting labiaplasty - as expert claims it sets a bad example for young women

Breast implant removal stories:

26 Stars Who Removed or Regretted Their Breast Implants

SZA reflects on having breast implants removed due to cancer risk: ‘I didn’t feel good’

FDA responds to claim breast implant removal is ‘reasonable’ to cut cancer risk

Hosted by San Diego plastic surgeon Dr. Kat Gallus and her trusty sidekick scrub tech Bri, this is a podcast for women who have always wished they had a slightly snarky, super experienced, and totally unintimidating female plastic surgeon as their BFF to help sort through the what, where, and why of the available cosmetic treatment options.

All the B’s covers aesthetics and plastic surgery through the lens of trending pop culture stories and celebrity gossip.

Who are the B’s? The all-female team working closely with Dr. Gallus every day at Restore SD Plastic Surgery in La Jolla, California. Getting plastic surgery is a big deal, and they go the extra mile to make sure you feel super comfortable and know exactly what's going on.

To learn more about the practice or ask a question, go to

Follow Dr. Gallus and the team on Instagram @restoresdplasticsurgery 

Watch Dr. Gallus and Bri on YouTube @restoresdplasticsurgery7487

Got a question for us? Send us a message or leave us a voicemail at

Co-hosts: Dr. Katerina Gallus & Brianna Lempe
Producer: Eva Sheie
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Steve Zagar
Theme music: Rear View, Nbhd Nick
Cover Art: Dan Childs

All the B’s is a production of The Axis: 
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Autore The Axis
Organizzazione The Axis
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