Braving the Storm: Miha's Journey of Courage and Triumph

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Braving the Storm: Miha's Journey of Courage and Triumph
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Braving the Storm: Miha's Journey of Courage and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Sredi zime, v objemu...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Sredi zime, v objemu Julianskih Alp, je ležala majhna kmetija.
En: In the middle of winter, nestled among the Julian Alps, there was a small farm.
Sl: Kmetija je bila obdana z zasneženimi vrhovi in ledenimi sapami.
En: The farm was surrounded by snow-covered peaks and icy gusts.
Sl: V tej osamljenosti je živel Miha.
En: In this solitude lived Miha.
Sl: Bil je mlad kmet, ki je ljubil svojo zemljo in živino.
En: He was a young farmer who loved his land and livestock.
Sl: Miha je želel dokazati svoji družini, da zmore sam skrbeti za kmetijo.
En: Miha wanted to prove to his family that he could manage the farm on his own.
Sl: Nebo je postalo sivo in zrak hladen.
En: The sky turned gray and the air grew cold.
Sl: Počasi so se začeli zbirati oblaki in spuščati prve snežinke.
En: Slowly, clouds began to gather and the first snowflakes started to fall.
Sl: "Bliža se nevihta," je pomislil Miha.
En: "A storm is approaching," Miha thought.
Sl: Njegov notranji nemir je rasel.
En: His inner unrest was growing.
Sl: Ni bilo časa za razmišljanje.
En: There was no time for contemplation.
Sl: Moral je ukrepati.
En: He had to act.
Sl: Snežni metež je bil hitrejši od pričakovanj in je v hipu prekril zemljo.
En: The snowstorm was swifter than expected and quickly covered the ground.
Sl: Miha je stal ob oknu.
En: Miha stood by the window.
Sl: Pogledal je proti hlevu.
En: He looked toward the barn.
Sl: Krave in ovce so bile v zunanjem pašniku.
En: The cows and sheep were out in the open pasture.
Sl: "Moram jih spraviti na varno," si je rekel.
En: "I must get them to safety," he said to himself.
Sl: Sneženje je bilo vse močnejše.
En: The snow was falling more heavily.
Sl: Kljub nevarnosti se je odločil.
En: Despite the danger, he made his decision.
Sl: Oblekel je debel plašč, na glavo si je poveznil kapo in se pripravil na pot.
En: He put on a thick coat, pulled a cap over his head, and prepared to head out.
Sl: Ko je stopil ven, mu je veter zarezal v obraz.
En: As he stepped outside, the wind cut across his face.
Sl: Snežinke so mu jemali vid.
En: The snowflakes obscured his vision.
Sl: Kreposti vremenskih razmer so bile ves čas večje, a Miha ni popustil.
En: The harshness of the weather was immense, but Miha did not give in.
Sl: S sklonjeno glavo in odločnimi koraki se je premikal proti živini.
En: With his head bowed and determined steps, he moved towards the livestock.
Sl: "Zdržati moram," je ponavljal kot molitev.
En: "I must endure," he repeated like a prayer.
Sl: Mislil je na varnost živali, katere mu niso le vir dohodka, temveč prijatelji.
En: He thought of the safety of the animals, which were not only a source of income but friends.
Sl: Ko je prišel do pašnika, je bil veter že tako močan, da ga je skoraj odpihnil.
En: When he reached the pasture, the wind was so strong that it nearly blew him away.
Sl: S tresočimi rokami je zagrnil ogrado.
En: With trembling hands, he secured the enclosure.
Sl: Poklical je živali.
En: He called the animals.
Sl: Ena za drugo, kot po čudežu, so začele hoditi proti hlevu.
En: One by one, as if by a miracle, they began to walk toward the barn.
Sl: Vodil jih je s trudom, saj je snežilo skoraj horizontalno.
En: He led them with effort, as the snow was almost horizontal.
Sl: Strah ga je bilo za trenutek prevzel, a ni se vdal.
En: Fear gripped him for a moment, but he did not give up.
Sl: Utrujen, a zadovoljen, se je vrnil v hlev.
En: Exhausted but content, he returned to the barn.
Sl: Krave so mirno žvečile seno, ovce so se stisnile skupaj, da bi se grele.
En: The cows calmly chewed the hay, and the sheep huddled together to keep warm.
Sl: Miha je zaprl vrata za sabo in sedel na balo sena.
En: Miha closed the door behind him and sat down on a bale of hay.
Sl: Ko je zaspal, je snežni metež popustil.
En: As he fell asleep, the snowstorm abated.
Sl: Noč se je končno umaknila svetlobi zore.
En: The night finally yielded to the light of dawn.
Sl: Ko so se vrata hleva znova odprla, sta stala tam Jana in Tomaž.
En: When the barn doors opened again, Jana and Tomaž stood there.
Sl: Oba zaskrbljena, a srečna, sta opazovala Miho.
En: Both were worried but happy, watching Miha.
Sl: Jana je rekla: "Dobro si opravil, Miha.
En: Jana said, "You did well, Miha."
Sl: " Tomaž je pokimal.
En: Tomaž nodded.
Sl: "Splačalo se je zaupati ti.
En: "It was worth trusting you."
Sl: "Miha je končno začutil sprejemanje in spoštovanje svoje družine.
En: Miha finally felt the acceptance and respect of his family.
Sl: Ugotovil je, da je sposoben voditi kmetijo, ne glede na težave.
En: He realized that he was capable of running the farm, no matter the challenges.
Sl: Sreča ga je preplavila kot val.
En: Happiness washed over him like a wave.
Sl: Tisti zimski dan je postal več kot le preizkus – postal je zmaga srca in trdnosti duha.
En: That winter day became more than just a test—it became a victory of the heart and strength of spirit.
Sl: Kmetija je bila varna, prihodnost svetla kot prvi dnevi pomladi, ki še pridejo.
En: The farm was safe, and the future was bright as the first days of spring yet to come.
Vocabulary Words:
- nestled: ležala
- peaks: vrhovi
- icy: ledene
- solitude: osamljenosti
- livestock: živino
- turned: postalo
- clouds: oblaki
- gather: zbirati
- unrest: nemir
- contemplation: razmišljanje
- swifter: hitrejši
- gusts: sapami
- barn: hlev
- sheep: ovce
- safety: varno
- thick: debel
- cap: kapa
- obscured: jemali
- harshness: kreposti
- endure: zdržati
- miracle: čudežu
- secured: zagrnil
- enclosure: ogrado
- exhausted: utrujen
- content: zadovoljen
- chewed: žvečile
- huddled: stisnile
- abated: popustil
- yielded: umaknila
- acceptance: sprejemanje
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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