
Brave Minds Podcast 07-15-24 Counter attack your worry

15 lug 2024 · 6 min. 24 sec.
Brave Minds Podcast 07-15-24 Counter attack your worry

This week on the, we are looking at a very specific way to battle against those "what if" thoughts that can fill our minds.  We know that "what if"...

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This week on the Brave Minds Podcast, we are looking at a very specific way to battle against those "what if" thoughts that can fill our minds. 
We know that "what if" thoughts can lead to anxiety, and sometimes even full on panic attacks! 
We discuss a few ways to get to the root of those thoughts and take away their controlling power over our minds!
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Autore Clint Daly
Organizzazione Clint Daly
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