Bossaball 4:3:23 1.51 PM

3 apr 2023 · 2 min. 26 sec.
Bossaball 4:3:23 1.51 PM
Descrizione - Own work Wikipedia Are you familiar with the sport Bossaball? is a that originated in a between two teams, combining elements of,,...

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Bossaball Master - Own work
Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0

Are you familiar with the sport Bossaball? is a team sport that originated in Brazil. It is a ball game between two teams, combining elements of volleyball, football, and gymnastics with music into a sport. It is played on an inflatable court featuring a trampoline on each side of the net.[2] The trampolines allow the players to bounce high enough to spike the ball over the net.

Now hear are the rules. A Bossaball game is played between two teams of four players. The aim is for each team to ground the ball on the opponent's field. The height of the net in between both fields can be adjusted for different levels, such as professionals, intermediates, beginners, or children. Players are not allowed to touch the net and always have to remain with at least one body part on their own side.

One player (the attacker) is positioned on the trampoline, and the others are around him/her on the inflatables. A player from the serving team (the server) throws or kicks the ball into the air and attempts to hit the ball so it passes over the net on a course such that it will land in the opposing team's court (the serve). The opposing team must make a combination of no more than five contacts with the ball to return it to the other side of the net. These contacts can be exercised using any body part. Points can be made either by scoring or by an opponents error.

Sounds like Bossaball can be fun. You’re listening to The Jasper Lines. I’m your host, Gail Nobles.
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Autore Gail L. Nobles
Organizzazione Gail L. Nobles
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