Bob Mayer - The Art of Oceanfront Building

23 lug 2021 · 54 min. 1 sec.
Bob Mayer - The Art of Oceanfront Building

Join South Florida’s #1 Luxury Real Estate Agent Debbie Wysocki as she interviews Bob Mayer, the Premiere Custom Home Waterfront Builder in Southeast Florida. In business for over 32 years,...

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Join South Florida’s #1 Luxury Real Estate Agent Debbie Wysocki as she interviews Bob Mayer, the Premiere Custom Home Waterfront Builder in Southeast Florida. In business for over 32 years, Bob also uses his extensive experience and Master’s degree to build on golf courses and mountains. Bob’s philosophy is to be the trendsetter, not a trend follower. He merges traditional craftsmanship with cutting edge approach to energy efficiency and technology. Bob’s consistent aim is to create a residence or commercial project tailored to the client’s needs and specifications.

In this episode you’ll learn:
•The ins and outs of ocean front and subterranean building
•How the experts select their materials
•How decision making affects your turnaround time
•Square footage: the effects of COVID on home design
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