
Black Ink, Farther Stars — WB Austin Shifrin

16 set 2024 · 33 min. 58 sec.
Black Ink, Farther Stars — WB Austin Shifrin

Illustrious Brother Austin Shifrin, 33°, Past Master, Tyrian Lodge No. 644, F&AM of Pennsylvania, is the author of “Black Ink, Farther Stars,” now available on Amazon. Bro. Austin joins us...

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Illustrious Brother Austin Shifrin, 33°, Past Master, Tyrian Lodge No. 644, F&AM of Pennsylvania, is the author of “Black Ink, Farther Stars,” now available on Amazon. Bro. Austin joins us to discuss a few chapters from his second book that covers how contemplating death can enrich and inspire our lives, the esoteric aspects of Tarot, and how Allied Masonic bodies preserve the unique history of our Ancient and Gentle Craft.

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