Black Belt Selling - GROW 2020 Interview: Jesse Cole

23 ott 2019 · 26 min. 40 sec.
Black Belt Selling - GROW 2020 Interview: Jesse Cole

"Don't be afraid to get people's attention in a noisy world. In order to make an impact, you have to be remembered." Before Jesse Cole became the owner of Savannah...

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"Don't be afraid to get people's attention in a noisy world. In order to make an impact, you have to be remembered."

Before Jesse Cole became the owner of Savannah Georgia's college level baseball team, Savannah had had a professional baseball team for over 90 years. So when he came in, he did what everyone else did to market the team. Guess how many tickets he sold in the first 2 months? Not 10, not 20, not 100. One. Just one! It wasn't until he got attention in name,
the team of Savannah Bananas that people started taking notice
and saying, you know what? Who are these guys?

Jesse is our special guest on today's episode of Black Belt Selling. He share how he turned a college level baseball team into a Fortune 500 company by his unique approach to sales and business. In this episode you will hear:

1. How he created raving fans without spending a single penny on traditional marketing
2. Three words to know what that you are creating an experience that people with talk about.
3. What pink slippers, food trucks and a car wash can do to build your greatest business asset.

Jesse will be one of the keynote speakers at the GROW 2020 Business Retreat in San Antonio, TX. To learn more, got to
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Autore Black Belt Selling
Organizzazione Black Belt Selling
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