
Ben Johnson Winning and Losing Olympic Gold

24 set 2024 · 10 min. 21 sec.
Ben Johnson Winning and Losing Olympic Gold

Join us on Daily Sports History as we revisit the dramatic story of Ben Johnson's 1988 Olympic victory and downfall. Explore how Johnson won the 100m gold medal in record...

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Join us on Daily Sports History as we revisit the dramatic story of Ben Johnson's 1988 Olympic victory and downfall. Explore how Johnson won the 100m gold medal in record time, only to be stripped of his title due to a doping scandal. Discover the impact this moment had on the world of athletics and the lasting legacy of one of the biggest controversies in Olympic history.

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#DailySportsHistory, #BenJohnson, #1988Olympics, #DopingScandal, #OlympicHistory, #TrackAndField, #SportsPodcast, #GoldMedal, #Controversy, #Athletics
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Autore Ethan Reese
Organizzazione Ethan Reese
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