
Are The Right Guys Always Playing? | WUW 312

28 apr 2022 · 1 h 37 sec.
Are The Right Guys Always Playing? | WUW 312

This marks our 3rd installment of having a Patreon member join the show as a guest, today Tim Sheeks joins us, and we talk all things Hawks. We start with...

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This marks our 3rd installment of having a Patreon member join the show as a guest, today Tim Sheeks joins us, and we talk all things Hawks. We start with Tim and Kluver being twins, talk about DHT, what episodes resonate the most with fans, and why some episodes are more important than others. We also take a look back at all 311 and some of Tim's favorites. We talk about when Tim started listening, and answer some of his questions about the podcast and Iowa Football in the process.
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Autore Tyler Kluver
Organizzazione iHeartRadio
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