An Inside Look At Ohio State Fall Football Camp

2 ago 2021 · 25 min. 52 sec.
An Inside Look At Ohio State Fall Football Camp

The 2021 Ohio State Buckeyes will open their fall camp on Tuesday as they begin to ramp up in preparation for the season opener at Minnesota in a month. Fall...

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The 2021 Ohio State Buckeyes will open their fall camp on Tuesday as they begin to ramp up in preparation for the season opener at Minnesota in a month.

Fall camp is a crucial time for every football program, but how is it different from spring ball, or practices during the season? Kirk Barton is a former Ohio State captain and all-American. He joins host Tom Orr to discuss the ins and outs of fall camp.

When do positional battles need to be settled? What is it like to have to fight for a job during camp? What really goes into deciding which players will be captains? And how weird is the media frenzy around hotel check-in day?
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Autore Buckeye Scoop Radio Network
Organizzazione Buckeye Scoop Radio Network
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