
Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet - 1953-05-01 #353 Baseball Manager

24 giu 2023 · 27 min. 38 sec.
Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet -  1953-05-01 #353 Baseball Manager

- The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet - Genre: Comedy, family - Audience: Family - Running time: 30 minutes - Broadcast network: CBS, NBC, ABC - Creators: Ozzie Nelson -...

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  • The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
  • Genre: Comedy, family
  • Audience: Family
  • Running time: 30 minutes
  • Broadcast network: CBS, NBC, ABC
  • Creators: Ozzie Nelson
  • Stars: Ozzie Nelson, Harriet Nelson, David Nelson, Eric Nelson
  • Air dates: October 8, 1944 – June 18, 1954
  • Number of episodes: 402
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet was a family sitcom that starred the real-life Nelson family. The show was about the everyday lives of Ozzie, Harriet, and their two sons, David and Eric. The show was known for its wholesome humor and its depiction of a happy, well-adjusted family. It was one of the most popular radio shows of its time, and it helped to launch the careers of Ozzie and Harriet's sons. The show was also notable for being one of the first radio shows to feature a teenage son. David Nelson was 13 years old when he started on the show, and he helped to pave the way for other teenage actors who would follow in his footsteps. The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet continued to be successful when it moved to television in 1952. The show ran for another 14 years on television, and it became one of the longest-running family sitcoms in history.

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