
A Solid 4 Beer Thoughts What To Do With Your Money

24 feb 2023 · 1 h 25 min. 26 sec.
A Solid 4 Beer Thoughts What To Do With Your Money

You wouldn't expect it from us, but we talk to financial advisor MIke Nichter with LJI Wealth Management. He gives you great tips, enjoys some brews, and between jokes gives...

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You wouldn't expect it from us, but we talk to financial advisor MIke Nichter with LJI Wealth Management. He gives you great tips, enjoys some brews, and between jokes gives solid info on what the market is like, what is good and what is bad. It was so good we recorded a part 2 in the same night that will be available soon! Don't forget to check us out on YouTube at A Solid 4 Beer Thoughts and see it live!
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Autore A Solid 4 Beer Thoughts
Organizzazione Wayne Posz
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