
A New Year's Gift: Healing Bonds with a Heartfelt Choice

5 gen 2025 · 14 min. 52 sec.
A New Year's Gift: Healing Bonds with a Heartfelt Choice

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 48 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A New Year's Gift: Healing Bonds with a Heartfelt Choice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Die son skyn...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A New Year's Gift: Healing Bonds with a Heartfelt Choice
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Story Transcript:

Af: Die son skyn helder oor die V&A Waterfront.
En: The sun shines brightly over the V&A Waterfront.

Af: Mense stap rond met winkeltasse en glimlagte.
En: People walk around with shopping bags and smiles.

Af: Dit is somer, en die see briesie bring 'n koel verligting van die hitte.
En: It is summer, and the sea breeze brings a cool relief from the heat.

Af: Die geur van soutwater en vars kos vul die lug.
En: The scent of saltwater and fresh food fills the air.

Af: Piet, 'n besadigde middeljarige man, stap stadig deur die winkels.
En: Piet, a reserved middle-aged man, walks slowly through the shops.

Af: Sy gedagtes is nie hier nie, maar by sy dogter, Annelize.
En: His thoughts are not here, but with his daughter, Annelize.

Af: Hy het haar lanklaas gesien, en die stilte tussen hulle weeg swaar op sy hart.
En: It's been a long time since he's seen her, and the silence between them weighs heavily on his heart.

Af: Piet stop voor 'n winkel met helder aantoondisplays.
En: Piet stops in front of a store with bright display windows.

Af: Hy weet dis tyd om iets spesiaals te kies.
En: He knows it's time to choose something special.

Af: Hierdie Nuwejaarsgeskenk moet sê wat woorde nie kan nie.
En: This New Year's gift must say what words cannot.

Af: Maar hy is onseker.
En: But he is unsure.

Af: Watter geskenk sou vir Annelize beteken wat hy werklik voel?
En: What gift would mean to Annelize what he truly feels?

Af: Hy kyk op en sien Thabo, die vriendelike winkelassistent.
En: He looks up and sees Thabo, the friendly sales assistant.

Af: Thabo se warm glimlag het al menige klant se dag opgehelder.
En: Thabo's warm smile has brightened many a customer's day.

Af: Piet stap nader en vra huiwerig: "Kan jy dalk help?
En: Piet approaches and hesitantly asks, "Can you perhaps help?

Af: Ek is op soek na 'n geskenk vir my dogter, Annelize.
En: I'm looking for a gift for my daughter, Annelize."

Af: "Thabo luister geduldig.
En: Thabo listens patiently.

Af: Hy knik en sê, "Ja, sekerlik.
En: He nods and says, "Yes, certainly.

Af: Vertel my meer van haar.
En: Tell me more about her.

Af: Wat hou sy van?
En: What does she like?"

Af: "Piet dink diep na.
En: Piet thinks deeply.

Af: Wanneer laas het hy en Annelize gepraat oor wat haar gelukkig maak?
En: When was the last time he and Annelize talked about what makes her happy?

Af: Tog deel hy herinneringe van haar kinderjare.
En: Yet he shares memories of her childhood.

Af: Piet onthou die stories wat hulle saam gelees het, hoe sy oë altyd geblink het wanneer hy 'n boek voorgelees het.
En: Piet remembers the stories they read together, how her eyes always sparkled when he read a book aloud.

Af: Thabo glimlag weer, "Wat van 'n boek?
En: Thabo smiles again, "How about a book?

Af: Iets betekenisvol?
En: Something meaningful?

Af: Daar is 'n nuwe boek wat baie gewild is, maar eers moet jy voel of dit reg is.
En: There's a new book that's very popular, but first, you need to feel if it’s right."

Af: "Piet knik, maar is nog steeds wonder watter boek dit sou wees.
En: Piet nods, but still wonders which book it would be.

Af: Hulle bespreek nog 'n paar opsies, maar roep dan ook 'n mooi halsketting in gedagte.
En: They discuss a few more options, but then a beautiful necklace also comes to mind.

Af: Skielik, sonder waarskuwing, doof die krag uit.
En: Suddenly, without warning, the power goes out.

Af: Die winkels word omring deur die dowwe gloed van noodligte.
En: The stores are surrounded by the dim glow of emergency lights.

Af: Piet staan stil, sy hart klop vinniger.
En: Piet stands still, his heart beating faster.

Af: Hy hou die halsketting en die boek in sy hande.
En: He holds the necklace and the book in his hands.

Af: In die halfdonker kom 'n herinnering by hom op - laatnag wanneer hy en Annelize sou lag en stories lees.
En: In the semi-darkness, a memory comes to him—late nights when he and Annelize would laugh and read stories.

Af: Die keuse word duidelik.
En: The choice becomes clear.

Af: Hy plaas die halsketting terug en hou die boek styf vas.
En: He puts the necklace back and holds the book tightly.

Af: "Ek neem die boek," sê hy met sekerheid.
En: "I'll take the book," he says with certainty.

Af: Dit voel persoonlik en betekenisvol.
En: It feels personal and meaningful.

Af: Met die boek in sy sak en 'n nuwe besluit in sy gemoed, loop Piet na buite.
En: With the book in his bag and a new decision in his heart, Piet walks outside.

Af: Die stad se mense beweeg aan met hul vrolike dag.
En: The city's people move on with their cheerful day.

Af: Hy voel 'n vars briesie van hoop.
En: He feels a fresh breeze of hope.

Af: Hy besef dat dit nie die waarde van 'n geskenk is wat tel nie, maar die betekenis daaragter.
En: He realizes that it's not the value of a gift that matters, but the meaning behind it.

Af: Piet is nou bereid om sy verhouding met Annelize te herstel.
En: Piet is now ready to mend his relationship with Annelize.

Af: Hierdie Nuwejaar begin met 'n nuwe voorneme en 'n hart vol hoop.
En: This New Year begins with a new resolution and a heart full of hope.

Vocabulary Words:
  • brightly: helder
  • breeze: briesie
  • reserved: besadigde
  • weighs: weeg
  • display: aantoondisplay
  • gift: geskenk
  • mean: beteken
  • daughter: dogter
  • hesitantly: huiwerig
  • nods: knik
  • certainly: sekerlik
  • sparkled: geblink
  • meaningful: betekenisvol
  • necklace: halsketting
  • warning: waarskuwing
  • surrounded: omring
  • dim: dowe
  • emergency: nood
  • heart: hart
  • certainty: sekerheid
  • resolution: voorneme
  • hope: hoop
  • mend: herstel
  • relationship: verhouding
  • realizes: besef
  • value: waarde
  • matters: tel
  • silence: stilte
  • thoughts: gedagtes
  • cool: koel
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