A 10-Foot Gugwe Was Standing in Front of Us! - My Paranormal Experience Episode 93

6 gen 2024 · 32 min. 43 sec.
A 10-Foot Gugwe Was Standing in Front of Us! - My Paranormal Experience Episode 93

Tonight’s guest, Al Santariga, with the Bronxville Paranormal Society, is a paranormal investigator who has been on the show several times before. While most people do all they can to...

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Tonight’s guest, Al Santariga, with the Bronxville Paranormal Society, is a paranormal investigator who has been on the show several times before. While most people do all they can to avoid placing themselves in situations where they might encounter things that go bump in the night, Al makes a b-line for places where strange creatures and phenomena have been reported. On October 13th, Al went back to a place where he’s done a lot of research, he calls “The Sacred Site.” He went back there because, not only was there going to be a full moon out that night, there was also going to be a lunar eclipse. It was also Friday the 13th. What better conditions to go to a place where you’ve, already, had numerous paranormal experiences, to do a paranormal investigation? That night, Al’s cousin, Shawn, went with him to The Sacred Site. Knowing it was going to be Shawn’s first time experiencing a paranormal investigation, Al was hoping for an eventful night. To say that what happened, that night, exceeded Al’s expectations is a huge understatement! When hope you’ll tune in and find out what happened.

If you’ve had a paranormal experience and would like to be a guest on the show, please go to https://www.MyParaEx.com and let us know.

Thanks for listening!
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Autore My Paranormal Experience
Organizzazione Sharmon Sink
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