97: Social Change & Organization -- Invictus (Summary of Episode)

24 gen 2023 · 4 min. 15 sec.
97: Social Change & Organization -- Invictus (Summary of Episode)

We go to the movies – looking at the 2009 film Invictus through an organizational lens. It tells the story of Nelson Mandela from the time of assuming the Presidency...

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We go to the movies – looking at the 2009 film Invictus through an organizational lens. It tells the story of Nelson Mandela from the time of assuming the Presidency of South Africa to the nation’s hosting of the 1995 Rugby World Cup. How did Mandela use sport to unite a bitterly divided nation and what insights does this story provide for management theory and practice?
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Autore Talking About Organizations
Organizzazione Talking About Organizations
Sito www.talkingaboutorganizations.com

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