#645 NDE Pioneers Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry

19 set 2023 · 1 h 1 min. 13 sec.
#645 NDE Pioneers Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry

Please join Dave the Mystic on Monday, September 18, 2023 at 8pm MDT with guests Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry,  Raymond A. Moody Jr., MD, PhD, is the leading...

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Please join Dave the Mystic on Monday, September 18, 2023 at 8pm MDT with guests Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry,  Raymond A. Moody Jr., MD, PhD, is the leading authority of near-death experiences and the author of several books, including the seminal Life After Life. The founder of the Life After Life Institute, Moody has lectured on the topic throughout the world and is a counselor in private practice. He received his medical degree from the College of Georgia and his PhD from the University of Virginia. He has appeared on many programs, including Today and Turning Point.  Find out more at LifeAfterLife.com. Paul Perry has cowritten several New York Times bestsellers, including The Light Beyond and Evidence of the Afterlife. He is also a documentary filmmaker and for his film and book about Salvador Dalí, he has been knighted in Portugal. He is also a graduate of Arizona State University and Antioch University. Find out more information at PaulPerryProductions.com. We will be discussing their new book Proof of Life after Life – 7 Reasons to Believe There Is an Afterlife Thanks for listening! Blessings Dave the Mystic
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Autore David Barnett
Organizzazione David Barnett
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