
58 - PoA Ch.10 Pt.2 - Messrs. And Motives!

11 mar 2024 · 1 h 8 min. 27 sec.
58 - PoA Ch.10 Pt.2 - Messrs. And Motives!

Knowing that Harry is in a bad spot and trying to help him out, Fred and George Weasley give Harry the Marauder’s Map. Harry uses the map to navigate a...

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Knowing that Harry is in a bad spot and trying to help him out, Fred and George Weasley give Harry the Marauder’s Map. Harry uses the map to navigate a secret passage way to join Ron and Hermione in Hogsmeade! While there, they overhear a teachers’ conversation, and learn that Sirius Black betrayed Harry’s parents, and also happens to be his godfather. Join us for the back half of Chapter 10 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!
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