284. Quit Your Day Job with Ashley Cassens

23 ott 2023 · 26 min. 52 sec.
284. Quit Your Day Job with Ashley Cassens

https://www.instagram.com/ashley.cassens/ is a former teacher who recently quit her job to go full-time with painting. She has an art school background and a solid understanding of painting techniques, and I...

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Ashley is a former teacher who recently quit her job to go full-time with painting. She has an art school background and a solid understanding of painting techniques, and I think her quick success is a complement to that. It's not necessary to be perfectly good at painting coming right out of the gate, but it helps a lot.

I talk about business and making money and all that comes with it. But make no mistake, the more skills we have = the easier the marketing = the more you can charge.

I hope this interview inspires you to take the leap into full-time creativity and also inspires you to put in the time to work on your craft. Painting is so much more fun when you know what you're doing, but we all start not knowing. Get good, get confident.

Let me know what you think of this week's episode with Ashley Cassens.

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Autore Andrea Ehrhardt
Organizzazione Andrea Ehrhardt
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