
279 - Cllr Máirín McGrath

17 mag 2024 · 1 h 26 min. 6 sec.
279 - Cllr Máirín McGrath

In a first for the show, we've gone political! Well, as political as I have the ability to be anyway. I sit down in the luxurious surrounds of The Hill...

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In a first for the show, we've gone political! Well, as political as I have the ability to be anyway. I sit down in the luxurious surrounds of The Hill Comedy Club greenroom with independent Local Councillor Máirín McGrath to be educated on what exactly are the benefits to getting out and voting, the ups and downs of what it is to be a local representative and of course we had to briefly talk about Máirín's TD father, Mattie McGrath.
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Autore Tom O'Mahony
Organizzazione Tom O'Mahony
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