191. Say Thanks To Those Who Serve...Not To Those Who Serve Themselves

24 giu 2024 · 1 h 14 min. 2 sec.
191.  Say Thanks To Those Who Serve...Not To Those Who Serve Themselves

We talk about Hunter and his case, whether His dad goes off the rails during the debate, the complete injustice of allowing criminals across the border to do their killing...

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We talk about Hunter and his case, whether His dad goes off the rails during the debate, the complete injustice of allowing criminals across the border to do their killing to a mother of 5 (among others), thanking those who serve or have served our country and communities, Whoopi Goldberg, and not givinga buck to a bum. (in a nutshell, of course)
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Autore The Tiddy & Shiner Show
Organizzazione The Tiddy & Shiner Show
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