
172 - D’yer Coffee Mak’er

22 mar 2022 · 1 h 28 min. 1 sec.
172 - D’yer Coffee Mak’er

Mark Lindsay could not have his morning coffee as the coffee maker broke. So he set out to buy a new machine. On his journey to buy the new machine,...

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Mark Lindsay could not have his morning coffee as the coffee maker broke. So he set out to buy a new machine. On his journey to buy the new machine, he pondered the question of Planned Obsolescence. And we're not talking about just coffee makers here. Look around! We're surrounded by items that have a finite life to them, do we get bang from our buck now-a-days? More and more, products seem to be going the way of this and if not, companies are using proprietary parts that require you to go to them for a repair. There's a lot of
questions on this one so Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo discuss this, and other related topics in this episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast. Check it out!

"Two guys from different decades, backgrounds, and opposite sides of the continent discuss life, the universe, and everything. What's the show about? About an hour…"

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