Many people use Roundup without questioning its safety. It’s advertised on TV, and sold at hardware/garden stores all over the country. The herbicide is viewed as a miracle spray that gets rid of those dreaded weeds within hours. It’s become a staple garden product in many homes. And it's used by many agricultural companies during food production. But how safe is it really? What is it doing to our health? In today's conversation, Kiran Krishnan, a research microbiologist and an expert on the human microbiome, explains how dangerous glyphosate is. He discusses the science behind the damage it causes to the body's microbiome. He also explains how the presence of glyphosate directly correlates with the rise of many chronic health conditions, including obesity, autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and gut infections. Kiran goes in depth about the dangers of this ubiquitous herbicide and explains why it's still in use today, despite warnings from the World Health Organization that it is a probable carcinogenic. Most importantly, he tells us what we can do (and eat) to protect ourselves from this toxin that acts like the worst kind of antibiotic on a mass scale. For more from Kiran, check out episodes
#84 "Ground zero of most health disorders" and
#169 "Improve your microbiome". Check out today's sponsors:
Chelsea Green Publishing and
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