There's a lot of buzz about gut health these days. It is key to our overall wellness. But some people think you can just pop a probiotic pill to protect it and you're good to go. Dr. Zach Bush has a better idea. Zach is an expert on the microbiome and nutrition and in today's conversation he sheds new light on what constitutes a healthy gut and how to keep it that way. The threats to our gut health include glyphosate, herbicides and pesticides that compromise our gut lining and result in allergies, sensitivities, and chronic health conditions. These chemicals are found not only on our food, of course, but also in the soil, the air, our water. Zach goes into detail about how to shore up our guts against these attacks. It takes guts to make the dietary and lifestyle changes he suggests. But if we do, we can be sure that we will improve our own health, and potentially impact the health of future generations. For more on Zach Bush, the science behind this discussion, and more, go to For complete show notes for this episode and other resources, visit