10: Coca-Cola's Hidden Influence: Unveiling Industry Tactics

10 nov 2024 · 16 min. 52 sec.
10: Coca-Cola's Hidden Influence: Unveiling Industry Tactics

In this eye-opening episode, hosts Kai and Sarai explore the recently uncovered correspondence between Coca-Cola and public health academics involved in the Global Energy Balance Network (GEBN). They discuss how...

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In this eye-opening episode, hosts Kai and Sarai explore the recently uncovered correspondence between Coca-Cola and public health academics involved in the Global Energy Balance Network (GEBN).

They discuss how Coca-Cola employed strategic methods to manipulate research outcomes, including concealing their financial contributions and building a network of researchers who promoted industry-friendly messages.

What tactics did Coca-Cola use to minimize public perception of their influence? How did their funding decisions shape the narratives within public health research?

Join Kai and Sarai as they unpack the implications of these revelations and the urgent need for stricter conflict-of-interest management in research.

This episode sheds light on the often-hidden dynamics between industry funding and academic integrity, highlighting the broader impact on public health policies.

Don't miss this critical discussion that challenges our understanding of corporate influence in health research!

For more in-depth insights, check out the original article here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10200649/pdf/S1368980020002098a.pdf
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Autore Borja Girón
Organizzazione Borja Girón
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