019. Hospital and Health System Finances: Interview with Health Care Expert Lisa Goldstein

3 apr 2023 · 42 min. 37 sec.
019. Hospital and Health System Finances: Interview with Health Care Expert Lisa Goldstein

Hospitals continue to experience negative margins, with hospital expenses decreasing slightly since the start of the pandemic, but not enough to address impacted volumes and revenues. As a result, issues...

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Hospitals continue to experience negative margins, with hospital expenses decreasing slightly since the start of the pandemic, but not enough to address impacted volumes and revenues. As a result, issues regarding hospital and health system debt and financial sustainability weigh heavily on health care administrators. Hospital finances, and specifically, the management of bonds and debt, are of vital concern, particularly in light of the elimination of CARES Act funding and the forthcoming expiration of the federal Public Health Emergency COVID-19 plan. In this episode, Nursing Economic$ Editorial Board Member Dr. Therese Fitzpatrick talks with leading health care expert Lisa Goldstein about the rising pressures to maintain financial sustainability as hospital margins react to post-pandemic admissions and related adjustments.

Lisa Goldstein, MA, is a Senior Vice President at Kaufman, Hall & Associates, in New York, New York, and is a nationally renowned health care expert.

Therese Fitzpatrick, PhD, MS, RN, FAAN, is a Senior Vice President at Kaufman, Hall & Associates, and a member of the Performance Improvement Practice specializing in workforce strategy. She is also an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois-Chicago, and is a member of the Nursing Economic$ Editorial Board.

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Music selections by Scott Holmes
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